Ministru prezidente Evika Siliņa un EK prezidente Urzula fon der Leiena

“The European Union (EU) needs to continue to provide broad support to Ukraine, extend sanctions against Russia and strengthen the EU's eastern border in response to the hybrid attack by Belarus”, emphasised the Latvian Prime Minister Evika Siliņa during the meeting with Ursula von der Leyen, President of European Commission (EC), within the framework of the working visit to Brussels on Wednesday 27 September.

The Prime Minister E. Siliņa pointed out that the government of Latvia will maintain a clear pro-European course, and emphasized that the support of the Latvian society for the EU remains high as well. “A strong and prosperous Latvia can develop directly in a strong EU. The war in Europe continues. My government will continue to advocate strong EU support for Ukraine for as long as necessary. The cooperation between Latvia and the EC has been excellent in this area so far,” said E. Siliņa.

The Prime Minister of Latvia also expressed personal gratitude to the President of the European Commission for her past leadership and cooperation in support of Ukraine. The officials discussed further civilian, financial and military assistance to Ukraine as well as Ukraine's integration into the EU. Further sanctions against Russia, as well as further steps to demand accountability from the Russian leadership for its criminal invasion of Ukraine were also discussed.

The Latvian and EU officials also addressed the migration challenges in Europe, including a hybrid attack on the EU’s eastern borders by the Belarussian dictator Alexander Lukashenko. The Prime Minister E. Siliņa pointed out that this is part of a wider effort to destabilise the region, which requires a decisive EU response.

The Prime Minister pointed out that even stronger and more resilient EU is the response to all these challenges.

The Prime Minister E. Siliņa is paying a working visit to Brussels on Wednesday 27 September, where she meets with the EC President Ursula von der Leyen and the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.



27.09.2023. Ministru prezidente Evika Siliņa tiekas ar Eiropas Komisijas prezidenti Urzulu fon der Leienu Briselē.
Date 27 September, 2023
TimeAll day

Darba vizīte Briselē

Ministru prezidente Evika Siliņa dodas darba vizītē Briselē. 

Aleksis Zoldners

Press Secretary of the Prime Minister
aleksis.zoldners [at]