The purpose of development planning is to promote sustainable and stable development of the country and to improve the people's quality of life.

According to the Law on the Development Planning Systemnational development planning documents are prepared for a long-term (up to 25 years), medium-term (up to seven years) and short-term (up to three years).

All development planning documents include strategic objectives and results (outcomes and outputs) to be reached in the field of the relevant policy, a description of existing problems and their solutions, an impact assessment, as well as further action for the implementation and evaluation of the planned policy. The necessary financial resources and responsible institutions are also identified.

Highest national-level development planning documents

Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030 (Latvia 2030) is hierarchically the highest national-level, long-term planning document. It enumerates the main tasks of the state and society to achieve balanced and sustainable development. Latvia 2030 outlines 7 development priorities (development of culture space, investment in human capital, change of paradigm in education, innovative and eco-efficient economy, nature as future capital, perspective of spatial development, innovative government and participation of the society), 7 strategic indicators (natural population growth, the GINI coefficient, GDP per capita, the ecological footprint, the Human Development Index, the Global Competitiveness Index, dispersion of regional GDP per capita), 11 objectives, 11 development directions, 42 areas of action and 27 performance indicators.

National Development Plan of Latvia for 2021-2027 (NDP2027),approved by the Saeima at the extraordinary session on July 2, 2020. NDP2027 is Latvia’s main medium-term development planning document. NDP2027 envisages the strategic objectives, priorities and measures for sustainable and balanced development of Latvia for the next seven-year planning period to achieve the Latvian Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 (Latvia2030), the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to improve the quality of life in Latvia over the next seven years.

The Government Action Plan is prepared based on the Declaration of the Intended Activities of the Cabinet of Ministers. The document defines the main results to be delivered and tasks to be accomplished by the responsible institutions in order to implement political priorities set by the current government. Compliance of Government’s Declaration and Action Plan with development priorities set in the hierarchically highest long/ medium term development planning documents is ensured by law.